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Healthcare Valuation & Advisory

The experts of Sigma Valuation Consulting have extensive experience serving healthcare providers in operational and valuation consulting capacities. Having valued over 300 healthcare businesses, including medical practices, dental practices, hospitals and ancillary facilities, we are regularly retained to value medical practices and healthcare businesses, and provide the highest levels of proficiency and insight.


As the delivery of healthcare services in the United States continues to evolve, providers of medical services are faced with a myriad of challenges and opportunities.  Rising costs and declining reimbursements have created pressures across the entire spectrum of the healthcare industry.  Under such pressure, healthcare providers often search for new opportunities through mergers, cost sharing agreements, and other creative arrangements that enable them to participate in the financial achievements of the facilities providing treatment to their patients.  To accomplish this, physicians must navigate the world of government regulation within the industry, such as the Federal Medicare Anti-Kickback Statute, the Stark Laws, IRS prohibitions on private inurement, and individual state regulatory requirements.


Sigma Valuation Consulting performs a broad array of valuation and economic consulting services for the healthcare industry.  These services are provided to assist in appropriately structuring and pricing transactions, compensation, regulatory compliance, litigation support and expert testimony.


The scope of services we provide includes:


Independent Business Valuation Opinions for:
  • Medical Practices

  • Merger & Acquisition Transactions

  • Buy/Sell Agreements

  • Shareholder Dispute Litigation

  • Matrimonial Litigation

Healthcare Value Assessments to Determine the Fair Market Value of:
  • Facility Rental Agreements

  • Management Service Contracts

  • Administrative Service Contracts

Reasonable Compensations Analyses & Opinions
  • ​Our consultants opine on the reasonableness of executive and/or physician compensation packages to assist healthcare organizations in fulfilling their regulatory and fiduciary responsibilities.

Economic Damages / Lost Profits
  • Our experts have developed economic damage / lost profit models to assist in litigation related to claims of intellectual property infringement, breach of contract, unfair competition, and other disputed matters.

Financial Statement Reporting
  • For financial reporting purposes, we estimate the fair value of intangible assets, investments in joint ventures and other ownership vehicles.

The healthcare industry provides unique challenges due to its complex nature.  Therefore, it is important to utilize a valuation consultant who is well-versed in the nuances of the industry.  Sigma Valuation Consulting has the experience you need to understand the healthcare industry’s impact on the valuation considerations related to your specific business or transaction.


New York City

(For Mail or Deliveries)

355 Lexington Avenue

Suite 401
New York, NY 10017
(212) 867-8864



222 Bloomingdale Road
Suite 302
White Plains, NY 10605
(914) 331-0077

New Jersey

101 Eisenhower Parkway
Suite 300
Roseland, NJ 07068
(973) 396-2157

South Florida

2255 Glades Road
Suite 324A
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 202-8484

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