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Matrimonial Valuation
& Litigation Support

Sigma Valuation Consulting provides valuation, forensic accounting and advisory services in the matrimonial litigation setting. Through many years and countless cases, we have helped our clients and their counsel resolve the financially complicated matters that exist in the context of marital dissolution. Whether court appointed in a neutral capacity or directly retained by one side to litigation, we can be entrusted to determine the reasonableness of financial representations in an accurate and independent manner.


Our analyses are prepared to support litigation involving:

Valuation Services
  • Valuation of controlling and minority interests in closely held businesses.

  • Enhanced earnings capacity analysis – the valuation of licenses, degrees and certifications.

  • Valuation of employee stock options.

  • Preparation of expert reports as necessary.

Forensic Accounting Services – Discovery of Hidden Income or Assets
  • Preparation of lifestyle analysis to quantify unreported income.

  • Preparation of the marital balance sheet to identify marital vs. separate property.

  • Identification of true income available for child support and maintenance.

  • Asset tracing to confirm or refute the existence of separate property.

Litigation Support – Expert Witness or Consulting Capacity
  • Assist counsel with the deposition of opposing experts.

  • Assist with the preparation of trial exhibits.

  • Review the reports prepared by opposing experts.

  • Expert witness testimony as necessary.

Divorce can significantly alter the financial position of all parties involved. With the planning and assistance of our experienced professionals, Sigma Valuation Consulting can help to minimize financial complexities and emotional strain by making sense of the financial picture associated with this life-altering event.

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